... 非合同上的责任或义务 non-contractual obligation 权利和义务 rights and duties; rights and responsibilities 权利及义务 rights and obligations ...
Crews Rights and Duties 船员权利义务
parental rights and duties [法] 父母的权利与义务
rights and duties of relatives 亲属间权利义务
equity rights and duties 权利与义务对等
rights and duties defined 资产经营目标责任制
matrimonial rights and duties 婚姻之权利与义务
fundamental rights and duties 基本权利和义务
Chapter 3, the independence of the trust property and the allotmentof the rights and duties of the trust party.
参考来源 - 信托财产独立性研究The mechanism of legal regulation of interests is a living system involving rights and duties and many relevant issues.
利益的法律调整机制是一个活的机体 ,它是由权利和义务两个手段和诸多环节构成的系统。
参考来源 - 论利益的法律调整机制Based on typical credit card contracts and rules of our country,the writer concludes the rights and duties of both parties.
参考来源 - 信用卡合同法律问题研究(研究生论文)·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Every citizen has his or her own rights and duties.
Chapter II The Fundamental Rights and Duties of citizens.
They will remind the kids of their new rights and duties.
And it seems, therefore, that the idea of being created In the image of God is connected with those special rights and duties.
The universities are the fountains of civil and moral doctrine and have the obligation to teach the correct doctrine of rights and duties."
Women bear children. Well, around that fact comes a whole set of rights and obligations and duties, primarily to the family that have to be primary.